Blockchain-based skills platform BitDegree has unconventional plans for connecting tech talent and recruiters.
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Blockchain-based skills platform BitDegree has unconventional plans for connecting tech talent and recruiters.
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Learn to Program through Video Game Development
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When you walk into École 42, a teacher-less coding school in Paris, a few things leap out at you: a killer collection of provocative street art, including an illustrated condom machine at the front desk; iMacs as far as the eye can see; and a palpable buzz from the roughly 1,000 students bustling around the building.
Daunted by the expense of a four-year program, students are focusing on learning the skills they need for the jobs they want.
Continue reading… “Millennial techies are choosing skill based training over college”
“Code is law,” as described in Lawrence Lessig’s book ‘Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace’, refers to the idea that computer code has progressively established itself as a predominant way to regulate behavior to the same degree as legal code.
With the advent of blockchain technology, code is assuming an even stronger role in regulating people’s interactions.
However, while computer code can enforce rules more efficiently than legal code, it also comes with a series of limitations.
Continue reading… “7 laws that will have to change because of blockchain”
A new study published by the data science team at Hired, a jobs marketplace for tech workers, shows why it’s becoming harder for software engineers to afford life in San Francisco, even while they make more money than their peers elsewhere in the U.S. and the world.
Based on 280,000 interview requests and job offers provided by more than 5,000 companies to 45,000 job seekers on Hired’s platform, the company’s data team has determined that the average salary for a software engineer in the Bay Area is $134,000. That’s more than software engineers anywhere in the country, through Seattle trails closely behind, paying engineers an average of $126,000. In other tech hubs, including Boston, Austin, L.A., New York, and Washington, D.C., software engineers are paid on average between $110,000 and $120,000.
Yet higher salaries don’t mean much with jaw-dropping rents and other soaring expenses associated with life in “Silicon Valley,” and San Francisco more specifically. Indeed, factoring in the cost of living, San Francisco is now one of the lowest-paying cities for software engineers, according to Hired’s lead data scientist, Jessica Kirkpatrick. According to her analysis, the $110,000 that an Austin engineer makes is the rough equivalent of being paid $198,000 in the Bay Area, considering how much further each dollar goes in the sprawling capital of Texas. The same is true of Melbourne, Australia, where software engineers are paid a comparatively low $107,000 on average, but who are making the equivalent of $150,000 in San Francisco.
Continue reading… “What software engineers are making around the world right now”
On January 10, 2017, my new book, “Epiphany Z – Eight Radical Visions for Transforming Your Future“ was officially released in bookstores all around the world. Here are a few excerpts from the book where I discuss the concept of “future self.”
Being a Futurist is far more than just making predictions. It involves digging deep into the nature of humanity to better understand who we are and why we do the things that we do.
So what kind of relationship do you have with your future self?
You’ve heard it said before that learning how to code is an important skill for everyone today. But maybe, as an online marketer – SEO expert, SMM expert or PPC/SEM expert – you probably don’t think that applies to you. Surely you can do your job just as effectively without having to know the basics of web development, right?
Wrong. Having even the most basic knowledge of CSS and HTML can make a significant difference to your career. It’s not just for web designers and developers or other tech-inclined people. In truth, everyone can benefit from having a little coding knowledge, from small business owners and sales managers to event coordinators and even magicians. Provided you use the Internet to conduct some of your business – and that’s virtually everyone over the age of five.
Below are nine areas you can apply your coding to your marketing career:
Continue reading… “9 Reasons Every Online Marketer Should Learn Code”
The tech industry is rapidly changing, but one thing has stayed the same: there’s a lot of demand for workers. Many people rule out the idea, though, feeling like they need a relevant degree to break into tech. However, that’s not even remotely true.
Here are six reasons why you don’t need a computer science or technology-based degree to get ahead in tech.
Continue reading… “Six reasons you don’t need a college degree to excel in tech”
Many people believe that you should only learn programming if you’re wanting to pursue a career as a programmer. They’re wrong. Coding skills can come in handy in a range of roles—making you a more competitive candidate. Here are eight jobs that are easier to secure if you know how to code.
NOTE: Visit DaVinci Coders to see which course is best for you to begin your career in coding.
Continue reading… “8 Jobs that are easier to secure if you learn to code”
Why pay for a whole degree, taking classes you don’t really want, spending multiple years to build skills that you may never use? Unbundling is happening to education and the results are students with customized portfolios, projects that are orientated towards skills employers are looking for, and industry level experience.
Students at Georgia Institute of Technology found out that a teacher assistant giving them assistance they was actually Jill an artificially intelligent robot. Jill was created to provide faster answers and feedback to students and take some of the pressure of teaching large classes off the instructors.
Continue reading… “Teaching assistant robot being used for help in online courses”
By delving into the futuring techniques of Futurist Thomas Frey, you’ll embark on an enlightening journey.
Learn More about this exciting program.