Why first-born children are smarter

First-borns around the world, it turns out, have higher IQ’s.

According to a new study “those born earlier perform better in school” and, it’s because of the parents. Parents simply go easy on their later-born kids, according to data analyzed by economists V. Joseph Hotz and Juan Pantano, and as a result, first-born children tend to receive both the best parenting and the best grades.


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Berners-Lee warns that governments and companies are ‘trying to take control’ of the internet

Tim Berners-Lee

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, says the internet is facing a “major” threat from “people who want to control it on the sly” through “worrying laws” such as SOPA, the US anti-piracy act, and through the actions of internet giants.



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Dolphins refer to each other by name: Study

Dolphins are the only other living beings on the planet to assign such specific monikers to known family members and associates.

One of the defining characteristics of human intelligence is language.  We like to think that the complexity of our social interactions is one of the things that makes humans unique, but we do know that other animals do communicate with each other. Dolphins are one of the other smartest species on Earth, and new research suggests they may have language skills that are a lot more complex than we thought, as they’ve demonstrated their ability to call each other by individual names.




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DARPA to use brain scans to recruit the smartest military dogs

DARPA plans to pre-select the smartest recruits using newly available brain-scanning methods.

Long before Rin Tin Tin, dogs have been been an important part of military operations—from bomb-sniffing to supply-delivery. But training military working dogs is an expensive and time-consuming process. Anyone who’s spent any time trying to get a dog to even follow the “sit” command knows that some dogs are sharper than others.



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Are people with a high IQ less creative?

Albert Einstein

Lewis Terman believed that only knowing the IQ of a person could predict their success in life and this potential could be measured since childhood.  That is why he sent his colleagues to California schools and gave the children a few IQ tests, identifying 1500 children whose IQs averaged 150 points.

He took for granted that these children were going to make great contributions to their disciplines in the future.



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How to better predict the future

What about the combination of humans and machines predicting the future?

We would all like to know what the future is going to be like. We are talking about creating more accurate forecasts about what is likely to happen in the future. Supposedly, this is what pundits and analysts do. They’re supposed to be good at commenting on whether Greece will leave the Eurozone by 2014 or whether North Korea will fire missiles during the year or whether Barack Obama will win reelection.



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Humans are getting smarter

Don’t be surprised when your toddler can operate your laptop.  There’s a rise in IQ levels all around.

James R. Flynn explains how he came to understand how our minds have gained in cognitive skills during the 20th century in an excerpt from his new book, Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty-First Century.



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Swarms of robots could bring buildings to life

robot swarm

The more of these robots we have in our homes, the more intelligent they could be.

What does it take for a building to be considered smart? Add some lights that turn themselves off when nobody is around or install an “intelligent” air conditioning system to regulate the ambient temperature and you’re well on your way. But compared to the living buildings proposed by Akira Mita, today’s smart buildings are the architectural equivalent of single-celled organisms.

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Does higher intelligence mean higher income?

household income

What is the correlation between intelligence and income?  Razib Khan, Gene Expression, used the GSS’s WORDSUM variable to indicate intelligence, which has a ~0.70 correlation with IQ. He used REALINC for income, which is indexed to 1986 values (so it is inflation adjusted) and aggregates the household income.  and then Razib limited his sample to non-Hispanic whites over the age of 30 ( this also limited the data set to respondents from the year 2000 and later).

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