Europe to abolish roaming charges by December 2015

net neutrality

The EU is one step from ending roaming charges and delivering net neutrality for all Europeans.

The first move was to slash pricing of mobile phone roaming costs across Europe. Then calls were made to abolish mobile roaming costs completely, with a view towards “safeguarding citizens’ right to access an open Internet.” Today that vision has become a reality.



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NSA scans 75% of all U.S. internet traffic

The NSA’s surveillance network covers more Americans’ Internet communications than officials have publicly disclosed.

The existence of several NSA programs that allow for far greater surveillance than the government has admitted to, and, importantly, detail how the government forces Internet service providers (ISPs) to hand over raw data, Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.



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US ISP/copyright deal: a one-sided private law for corporations, without public interest

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Screwing the public to help corporations is pretty standard procedure
these days for people like New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.

Last month, the major American ISPs and entertainment industry lobbyists struck a deal to limit Internet access for alleged copyright infringers. This deal, negotiated in secret with the help of New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo did not include any public interest groups or comment from the public. As a result, it’s as one-sided and stilted as you’d imagine. Corynne McSherry from the Electronic Frontier Foundation analyzes the material that these cozy corporate negotiators left out, the stuff that public interest groups would have demanded. Here’s an abbreviated list…

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Access to Nighttime Online Games Will Be Blocked in Vietnam


Online games will be blocked between the hours of 10pm to 8am.

Gamers in Vietnam will soon have to rearrange their schedules if they’re used to playing videogames online at night. The country’s Ministry of Information and Communication is requesting that local internet service providers block online games access between the hours of 10pm and 8am.


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