People absorb less on e-readers than print book readers


Kindle readers performed significantly worse on the plot reconstruction measures.

Readers that used a Kindle to read were “significantly” worse than paperback readers at recalling when events occurred in a mystery story. This new study is part of major new Europe-wide research looking at the impact of digitization on the reading experience.



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Amazon sold over 4 million Kindles in December, and E-Book sales are up 175 percent


The Kindle Fire is a holiday record breaker.

Amazon sent out a press release titled, “2011 is the Best Holiday Ever for Kindle” and looking at the numbers, it seems like a justified statement.

The company reports that there were over a million Kindle devices sold each week, with the Kindle Fire as the hottest item, the Kindle Touch following it up, and the plain old Kindle bringing up the rear…

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Students can now rent e-textbooks on Kindle


Students can now rent e-textbooks for periods from 30 to 360 days.

E-book textbook rentals have just been introduced by Amazon just in time for the fall semester.  This will allow students to save up to 80 percent on some titles. E-textbook rentals can be viewed not just on Amazon’s e-reader (and rumored Amazon tablet) but also on any device that can download the Kindle app including PCs, iOS devices, and Android phones and tablets. The rental option isn’t available for general interest e-books, just e-book versions of textbooks.


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Ownership of e-readers doubles in six months


Ownership of e-readers is exploding.

E-reader ownership is exploding, according to a survey by Pew Internet Research. Ownership of e-readers such as the Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook has grown from 6% to 12% of U.S. adults over the last six months. E-readers are more popular than tablets devices such as the iPad or various Android slates like the Samsung Galaxy Tab which are owned by 8% of U.S. adults.


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The Fall of Book Publishing: The Rise of New E-Book Business Models


Experimenting Our Way to Success – Reinventing Publishing Models

Futurist Thomas Frey:  Amazon revolutionized book reading in 2007 when it introduced its Kindle book reader. Within the past three years, the explosive sale of book readers has caused a massive surge in the sale of e-books, already outpacing the sale of hardcover books, with a prediction by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos that they will outsell paperbacks within the next year.


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Amazon’s Tablet to Compete with iPad Will Ship This Fall

amazon tablet

Amazon tablet 

Taiwan-based notebook maker Quanta Computer has recently received OEM orders from Amazon for its reported tablet PC and the device will also receive full support from Taiwan-based electrophoretic display (EPD) maker E Ink Holdings (EIH) for supplying touch panel as well as providing its Fringe Field Switching (FFS) technology, according to sources from upstream component makers.


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