Why millions of Chinese men are staying single



The gender gap is a big problem in the Middle Kingdom – and its ‘leftover men’ are going to great lengths to find a wife.

In China, there is a name for unmarried men over 30. Shengnan, meaning “leftover men” have yet to find a wife – and in a country with a growing gender gap, that’s a big problem.

By 2020, it’s estimated there will be 30 million more men than women looking for a partner

China has many millions more men than women, a hangover of the country’s one-child policy, which was overturned in 2015, though its effects will last decades more. The gender imbalance is making it hard for many men to find a partner – and the gap is likely to widen. By 2020, it’s estimated there will be 30 million more men than women looking for a partner. In his book, The Demographic Future, American political economist Nicholas Eberstadt cites projections that by 2030, more than a quarter of Chinese men in their 30s will not have married.

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Fewer people are getting married. The reason why is stunning, according to science


It’s come to this. Perhaps it’s about time.

We live in singular times.

Technology encourages us to disappear into our own personal worlds.

Meanwhile, relationships seems to get harder and harder.

Why, in a sign of apocalyptic avenues approaching, even Facebook is launching a dating service.

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New research says men who marry intelligent women live longer


New research has shown that if a man wants to live a long healthy life, marrying a smart woman will go a long way in fulfilling this desire. Besides increasing longevity, having an intelligent wife can negate the chances of a man catching dementia. The right partner will definitely help enrich a person’s life.

However, intelligence is not the only criteria for a happy relationship. Compatibility is another key factor. Just like the old adage says ‘do not judge a book by its cover,’ so too a person’s outward appearance should not be the yardstick for the selection of a partner. Younger people are generally attracted to the physical aspects of a person and sometimes fail to look beyond that. This often results in bad relationships or marriages in the later years. Choosing mind over matter can, therefore, have great benefits for both.

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When humans live for 1,000 years, marriage won’t make sense


Many peopler were jubilant when the US Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of gay marriage, events that lead to more freedom and equality are positive progress.  However, the fact that marriage—especially to many young people—isn’t as attractive as it once was seems to be missing from most news coverage.   Continue reading… “When humans live for 1,000 years, marriage won’t make sense”

Top 10 Reasons Why Men Won’t Commit

Men love their single life and experience few of the traditional pressures that once encouraged them to marry.

They want kids, houses and sex. And they want women, too — but not in the form of wives. Not until they’re older. So says the latest study to probe the minds of America’s young men, aged 25 to 33. The study found 10 reasons men won’t commit — from the ease of finding sex partners to the desire to avoid financial risks of divorce.



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The 3 biggest myths about marriage today

For most married men and women today, marriage looks pretty good.

Liza Mundy paints a dismal portrait of heterosexual marriage. In the  bleak rendering, contemporary marriage comes across as unequal, unfair, and unhappy to today’s wives. Wives are burdened with an unequal and unfair “second shift” of housework and childcare, husbands enjoy “free time” while their wives toil away at home, lingering gender inequalities in family life leave many wives banging “their heads on their desks in despair,” and one poor woman cannot even have a second child because she does “everything” and her husband does nothing. Mundy also suggests that recent declines in women’s happiness can be laid at the feet of “lingering inequity in male-female marriage.”



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Living in a world where marriage is on the decline

So what is the future of marriage?

In 1996 a symposium titled “Can Government Save the Family?” was published by the Hoover Institution.  A who’s-who list of culture warriors—including Dan Quayle, James Dobson, John Engler, John Ashcroft, and David Blankenhorn—were asked, “What can government do, if anything, to make sure that the overwhelming majority of American children grow up with a mother and father?”



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Are men starting to see marriage differently and what is it doing to America’s workforce?

We are seeing more and more where the mom has the anchor job in the family and the dad either doesn’t work or works in a flexible job.

After Gail McGovern’s daughter Annie was born, she and her husband established what came to be known as the “kitchen calendar rule.”  McGovern worked for AT&T overseeing 10,000 employees; her husband ran a large unit of Hewlett-Packard. They both needed to travel regularly for work, but one of them also needed to be home for Annie.


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