Massive open online courses are transforming higher education and science

MOOCs: Internet-based teaching programs are designed to handle thousands of students simultaneously.

Engineering, science, and technology have at the forefront of the massive open online course movement.  These classes also are providing fodder for scientific research on learning.



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Welcome to the future of education: Technology is changing the way students learn

Technology will make education even more accessible and more reliable than it has today.

Kevin Kelly told the audience at the 2007 EG Conference for youth and young adults that 10 years ago no one would have believed the Internet was coming, least of all him.


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The future of education eliminates the classroom

The world is your classroom.

If you and a group of friends are arguing about some piece of trivia and someone says, Let’s look this up on Wikipedia,” and then that person starts to read the information out loud to the group, thus resolving the argument.  This represents a microlearning moment.  This actually foreshadows a much larger transformation – socialstructed learning.




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Eight brilliant people talk about the future of online education

Online education will have an enormous transformative impact on billions of people around the world.

The single most important technological development of the millennium is the advent of massively open online classes (MOOCs).  The first reason it is so important is the enormously transformative impact MOOCs can have on literally billions of people in the world.  And the second reason is for the equally disruptive effect MOOCs will inevitably have on the global education industry.




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