More that 50% of teens in the U.S. are sexting, 28% are sexting with photos

teen sexting study

Many teens could be held liable for texts they sent as a minor or between their friends of different ages.

More than half of teens surveyed said they send sexual texts to each other, and one in four of them are sexting pictures, according to a new study from Drexel University.



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Google is working on new technology to eradicate child porn from the internet

Google is working on fighting child porn on the web with new technology.

Google, the search and mobile superpower, is working on new technology that would effectively purge all images of child pornography and abuse from most of the Web.



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30% of all internet traffic is pornography


Biggest porn site on the internet gets over four billion hits a month.

‘The internet is for porn,’ is the title of a song on hit musical Avenue Q.  And it turns out the lyricists had touched on a home truth, because researchers have discovered that a staggering 30 per cent of all internet traffic is pornography.

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Internet porn ruining the sex lives of an entire generation of young men

internet porn

Internet porn a serious problem as a new generation of men to lose their libidos 30 years sooner than expected.

Young men in their 20s apparently are increasingly having trouble in the bedroom — and it’s all because they’re addicted to pornography, according to a report in Psychology Today.


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Survey: 40% of Children in the UK Sexting


“The proportion of young children ‘sexting’ is shocking.”

A survey has found that there is an increase in the number of children in UK taking pornographic images of themselves and swapping them with friends via text messages or the internet. Of the children surveyed , 40% of 11 to 14-year-olds admitted to having used their mobile phones or computer to send pictures of themselves or receive naked or topless images of friends.


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