Nest reinvents the smoke detector


The smoke detector screams, people panic, arms and hands flail and someone with a towel furiously fans away smoke in the kitchen. Then you need a chair to reach the ceiling to hold down that impossibly tiny red button, which never seems to silence the wailing device. So you rip out the batteries–and maybe don’t put them back for days or weeks. (Video)



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Butterfly Smoke Seal – a safety must-have for anywhere a fire can arise


Featured invention at the DaVinci Inventor Showcase 2011

Turn your last breath of oxygen into minutes for Escape and Rescue.  The Butterfly Smoke Seal will help protect lives by stopping poisonous gas and smoke from entering though the door in case of a fire. Poisonous gas and smoke is the #1 killer of children 14 and under. It’s been said that if a butterfly crosses your path it will bring you luck.


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High Blood Pressure in Kids Linked to Secondhand Smoke


Secondhand smoke linked to high blood pressure in kids.

Young kids who live with a parent who smokes face an increased risk for developing high blood pressure while still children, a new study has found. Warning that children with high blood pressure often become adults with the same problem, the researchers suggested that secondhand smoke poses a substantial and long-term risk to the cardiovascular welfare of young children.


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