BARCLAYS: Amazon is probably going to be one of the first ‘trillion-dollar’ companies (AMZN)

Amazon’s stock price has been on a tear over the last year, gaining 46%.

A Barclays equity research team led by Ross Sandler thinks that the party may just be getting started, initiating coverage of the stock with $1120 price target, or 29% upside.

In a flurry of notes released from their Internet & Media desk on March 29, Barclays picked Amazon as one of their favorites in the sector and made the case for the stock’s market cap to reach one trillion dollars.

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The big 5 internet companies doubling in three years on a trillion dollar base

big 5

By John Batelle: From time to time I have tracked what I call the “Internet Big Five” – the key platform technology companies that are driving the Internet economy. Nearly three years ago I wrote the first of this series – The Internet Big Five. I identified Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook as the “big five,” and compared their relative strengths in financials, consumer reach, and technology strengths. Some of the metrics were admittedly subjective – ranking relative offerings in “engagement” and “data,” for example.



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The dangers of stock trading with highly automated systems

High-frequency trading.

Futurist Brian David Johnson describes his job as a “futurehunter” and his fascination with both algorithmic trading and high-frequency trading (HFT) in this excerpt from Humanity in the Machine: What Comes after Greed?. Both methods use computer programs to automate and accelerate the execution of certain financial transactions. Yet heavy reliance on such technology in the finance world can be dangerous—the Flash Crash of 2010 cited by Johnson stands out as a prominent example.



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Americans Pessimistic About Income Growth

tighten belts

Americans tighten belts as they are squeezed by rising prices and stagnant wages.

Consumers are being squeezed on both sides by wages that aren’t increasing and rising prices.  According to survey data by Goldman Sachs, the number of people who believe they will bring home more money one year from now is at its lowest in 25 years.


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