Researcher proves mathematically that black holes do not exist

black hole

Black holes have long been the subject of popular culture, from Star Trek to Hollywood. They are the ultimate unknown. They are the blackest and most dense objects in the universe that do not even let light escape. And as if they weren’t bizarre enough to begin with, now add this to the mix: they don’t exist.



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60 billion alien planets in our galaxy could support life: Study

New findings show that planets orbiting red dwarf stars are more likely to be habitable than previously believed.

Only about a dozen potentially habitable exoplanets have been detected so far but, scientists say the universe should be teeming with alien worlds that could support life. The Milky Way alone may host 60 billion such planets around faint red dwarf stars, a new estimate suggests. (Video)



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Can scientific breakthroughs lead to faith?

Leading scientists employ science itself in arguments for believing in a kind of supernatural.

Science and religion has had a relationship that has always been vexed. Most scientists are nonbelievers, convinced that there is no deity, or at least that there is no convincing evidence of one. Even those who are believers, like Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, see their religion and their science as largely separate. (“If God is outside of nature, then science can neither prove nor disprove his existence,” he once wrote.)



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Could there be planets better suited for supporting life than Earth?

A new study may have found exoplanets that are warmer and waterier than Earth.

One thing we know for sure in the world is that our planet is the world – for creating life, for supporting life, for letting us humans and our fellow species become what we are.  And so, as we take our first tentative steps from our world and look out into the universe as we set our sights toward the worlds that look like the one we know — toward planets that are, in their way, “Earth-like.”


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22 Year Old College Student Finds ‘Missing Mass’ of the Universe


dwarf starburst galaxy

This NASA illustration photo shows stars that are forming in a dwarf starburst galaxy.

A 22-year-old  university student from Australia has solved a problem which has puzzled astrophysicists for decades, discovering part of the so-called “missing mass” of the universe during her summer break.


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Underground Telescope Could Give Scientists First Glimpse of the Dawn of the Universe


Scientists could get their first glimpse of the dawn of the universe from a telescope buried up to half a mile underground.  This new device is designed to detect gravitational waves.  Gravitational waves are an elusive phenomena created by some of the most violent events in the universe such as black holes, neutron stars and the Big Bang.

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