When spies attempt to infiltrate the ranks of PETA, nothing can be left to chance
“People say New Yorkers can’t get along. Not true. I saw two New Yorkers, complete strangers, sharing a cab. One guy took the tires and the radio; the other guy took the engine.” – – David Letterman
In the future, carpenter’s pay will be based strictly on performance
Don’t worry, we’re from the Internet
I’m all ears…. no, literally
My latest diet book recommended I get rid of all my containers, so I did
A few of the government’s job creation schemes still have a few wrinkles, but at least they are always hiring
Even inanimate objects sometimes have an identity crisis
The nightmares that stuff is made from
When going through a divorce, it’s best to make all your money stand up and pay attention
Whooaah! Foot!
Big hairy fuzzy things just make her smile. And so does the cat
…and then this happened
The snow plow cleared the street, and then a giant dog showed up
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned
If it walks like a duck and acts like a duck…. Nope! ….definitely not a duck
The ultimate shopping experience
Having an underwater parking garage virtually insures the car will never be stolen.
However, the plan wasn’t without its flaws
Apparently it’s been a problem
Internet prodigies are getting younger every year
Not gonna happen
I’m not even sure how that would work. Are they made to be molestable?
Wow, that was a mistake! Tenth degree hot sauce at the Chili Hut? Never again!
I’ve always wondered how water knows how to stick together. Now I know!
Occasionally you will find someone who is just married to themselves
When driving a car, never, never, never divide by zero
After getting turned away by Mr. Tight Wad, we went next door
and got similar treatment from his sister
When eating spaghetti, its not uncommon for it to get a little messy