Watching the world burn 767

Today’s couch potatoes have a way of turning every disaster into a spectator sport

“I saw the movie, ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’ and I was surprised because I didn’t see any tigers or dragons. And then I realised why: they’re crouching and hidden.” – – Steve Martin


Batman and company 960

Without having watched the first movie, Hollywood execs launch into the filming of Social Network 2




Hand to Hand Combat 561

Hand to hand combat




Polar Snuggie 444

Polar Snuggie




When staging a protest, nothing throws off the opposition quite like taping bread to your head




Cooking Kitty 666

“Hey honey, what’s for dinner?”




Snow Mountain 365

After piling the snow over 100′ high, Barry realized he couldn’t find his car




Shaving Kiwi 878

Nothing says “gross supermarket” quite like kiwi fruit with hairy backs




Cool Chicks 673

Wow! Cool beer and cool chicks! This store has it all




Endless Road 372

In the immortal words of Buzz Lightyear, “To infinity… and beyond”




Bike on Water 564

The beauty of the impossible is only as momentary as the depth of your understanding




Hardwired in their genes 880

Some things are just genetically hardwired into the male brain




The Bark Side 377

Beware of the bark side of the force




predicament 509

Predicament. Sure, if you’re a cow, it’s not part of your vocabulary. But maybe it should be




Washer Girl 762

The whole amusement park industry was built around innocent mistakes gone awry




snowdecahedron 555

Introducing the snowdecahedron, the only real accomplishment ever to come out of Baylor University




Soccer Cocks 878

If you’re thinking about joining a soccer league, its best to avoid the one with the Soccer Cocks.
They tend to play dirty and if they lose, they get their heads cut off




Rock-n-roll Tuba 785

Her dream of joining a rock band as a tuba player only seemed to work as a solo act at comedy clubs




Fist Full of Gaters 776

Shaking hands with some people is like giving them a license to eat you alive




The Look 898

At some point they think they know it all, but at this age they’re sooooo cute




Tree House 067

“Home sweet home. Wait, why is there a tree in the living room?”




Triple Racers 209

In some cultures teamwork is important. In the U.S.
it puts you into an entirely different tax code




Cooking Iron 365

The Obama administration’s plan to convert all gas-guzzling stoves to electric




Turtle Speedracer 461

Come on hare! You big-eared dumb-ass fuzz-ball! Let’s race!




Fitting Name 411

Fitting name




The-longest-soccer-table-game ever 555

When you combine social networking with foosball ….




Just do it 062

Not exactly how Nike had intended it!




Sneaky One 441

Just checking!

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