
Sleep suit

The urban sleep suit was designed by Forrest Jessee for the bustling non-stop lifestyle of contemporary cosmopolitans.   The urban sleep suit is a take-anywhere, nap-anytime ensemble made to be slept in on the spot.  Buckminster Fuller could have really used one of these outfits.  Did you know he was a proponent of polyphasic sleep, taking just four thirty-minute naps a day for nearly two years? (Pics)


The overlapping layers are engineered to be a combination of structurally supportive, flexible  and comfortable, providing a sense of stable security as well as an all-around cozy sleeping environment. Other factors such as the need for regular air flow, temperature regulation and varying degrees of protection and comfort along different points of the body were also considered in the creation of this one-of-a-kind combination sleeping bag and clothing product.


Via dornob