The Passing Cloud by Tiago Barros
The Passing Cloud by Tiago Barros wants to become another means of air transportation that doesn’t include tight schedules and fixed locations like airplanes do. This inflatable cloud consists of a platform that will carry people across the sky. With the help of winds, this piece would travel all over the sky without a specific destination. (Pics)
The New York-based architect wanted to develop a bubble structure that could take people on a more relaxed journey through the sky. The creator explains, “It’s an unique journey. The feeling of floating in the atmosphere – on top of a cloud – with an open schedule and unknown final destiny.” Made of a skeleton of stainless steel and nylon fabric, this Passing Cloud would be boarded with the help of a ladder. Once on top, passenger can simply sit and enjoy the ride.
The Passing Cloud by Tiago Barros was presented to the Van Alen Institute and the Department of Cultural Affairs of New York City.
Via Trend Hunter