
Sushi Bot

The plot of the movie “I, Robot” may not come true anytime soon, but there has been a proliferation of robots creeping into our daily lives. Namely, in the kitchen. (Videos)

Scientists, tech wizards and entrepreneurs alike have been coming up with robotic chefs — and others with food and drink functions — in recent years, and we’ve compiled 14 of our favorite ones in action. They still have a few kinks to work out; even the best ones look a little goofy.

“Let’s Pizza” Vending Machine


Pizza from a vending machine? It’s no work of fiction — this invention by Italian inventor Claudio Torghel has been serving Europeans for the last three years. Now, it’s headed to the U.S. It’s technically not a robot, but the whole no-humans-involved aspect is just as creepy.

Rheon Encrusting Machine


Ever wonder how your empanada got its filling? The Rheon encrusting machine may be to thank — it’s patented to stuff foods inside other foods, and fast. A factory plant outfitted with the Rheon contraptions can pump out 10,000 to 15,000 pounds of a particular product an hour.

The Chief Cook Robot


This little chef needed some teaching, but he quickly got the hang of things. Watch him whip up a ham and cheese omelette.

Okonomiyaki Robot


Okonomiyaki is a Japanese dish of savory pancakes, and this guy — a Motoman SDA-10 robot — has been trained to make them. Good thing it has spatulas for arms.

Cake-Decorating Robot


What better way to take all the joy and emotion out of cake decorating than have a robot do it? To be fair, an actual human being has to create the original design, so the creepy factor is much lower with this robot.

Wok Robot


Here’s a thesis for you: Two Chinese university students created a wok robot capable of cooking 600 classic Chinese dishes.

Burrito Robot

burrito robot

Yes, a robot that makes burritos. Wasn’t it always inevitable? New York University student Marko Manriquez designed his Burritob0t for a thesis project as part of the school’s Interactive Telecommunications Program.



Yeah, another one that’s not exactly-100-percent a robot, but c’mon. It’s a helicopter that delivers tacos! U.S. laws prevent this baby from ever taking flight, but its makers envision a customer ordering from a smartphone, which sends along a GPS location. The order is sent to an unmanned drone helicopter near the central taco-making kitchen, its loaded up and the rest is obvious.



Your next barista may just be a robot. That’s already the case for some students at U.T. Austin, who order coffee from a mechanized kiosk installed on campus.



From the inventive minds of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory comes “Bakebot,” which can bake cookies from scratch. Does it lick the spoon, too?

Automatic Chicken Breast Deboning Robot


This Japanese robot can debone 1,500 chickens an hour — ten times faster than any human. It costs a pretty penny, clocking in at $560,000 a machine.

Robot Bartender


This robot bartender can’t actually pour you a drinks, but can take your order and bring it to you. We’re pretty sure it can’t listen to you spin a tale of your sorrows, either.

Via Huffington Post