Pat Brown wants every piece of meat consumed in the world to be made entirely from plants. He’s going after the carnivores — and the meat industry that serves them red, bloody, marbled meat. Continue reading… “Disrupting the cow: This plant-based burger smells, tastes and bleeds like the real thing”
Ikea just launched a DIY flat-pack indoor garden that can feed a whole lot of people at once
Swedish architects Mads-Ulrik Husum and Sine Lindholm collaborated with Space10, Ikea’s innovation lab, to design a piece of living furniture that can feed quite a few people, from the looks of it.
Called the Growroom, it’s a flat-pack spherical garden that grows plants, veggies, and herbs.
“Standing tall as a spherical garden, it empowers people to grow their own food much more locally in a beautiful and sustainable way,” its designers write on Medium.
Though Space10 launched the Growroom in late 2016, the designers just made the plans open-source. You can download the instruction manual on Space10’s site.
The future of the burger
A burger made with cultured meat.
By 2030, the average person is expected to consume around 45 pounds of meat annually, according to a study from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. That’s a number that rises substantially in the United States. The strain that will put on the planet is extreme, to say the least. But according to developing lab science, soon you can have your burger and eat it too.
Continue reading… “The future of the burger”
DouxMatok develops new technology that makes sugar twice as sweet, so you eat half as much
A new technology in the food industry makes ordinary sugar twice as sweet—so food tastes exactly the same with half the calories, and without the controversy of artificial sweeteners.
A 3-D printed cap that can tell you when your milk has gone bad
A smart, 3-D printed cap that can determine when milk has gone bad has been created by engineers from UC Berkeley and Taiwan’s National Chiao Tung University. The results were published in the journal Microsystems & Nanoengineering.
Continue reading… “A 3-D printed cap that can tell you when your milk has gone bad”
Alarm clock that will wake you up with the smell of bacon of other delicious scents
Waking up on a weekday is one of the hardest things to do, unless you’re a morning person. But the SensorWake is trying to ease the transition between sleep and waking up. Continue reading… “Alarm clock that will wake you up with the smell of bacon of other delicious scents”
How the U.S. compares to the world’s booziest nations
Consuming 100 bottles of wine a year probably sounds like a lot, but that is actually, according to a recent report, the average alcohol consumption per person in many wealthy countries. Continue reading… “How the U.S. compares to the world’s booziest nations”
Beer tea bags can transform boring beer in to flavorful beer
More than just a tea bar, they are specially crafted infusing sachet filled with magical beer-bettering goodness, making sure that you will never have to drink a boring old beer ever again. Continue reading… “Beer tea bags can transform boring beer in to flavorful beer”
Custom pancake printer has already made over $460,000 on Kickstarter
PancakeBot, “the world’s first pancake printer,” allows you to print out pancakes into just about any design you can imagine. Continue reading… “Custom pancake printer has already made over $460,000 on Kickstarter”
The average cost of room service in 15 U.S. cities
Perhaps you should think twice about ordering a club sandwich through room service in New York City. Continue reading… “The average cost of room service in 15 U.S. cities”
The decline of the diet soda drinker
According to the latest industry data after four years of outselling Pepsi, Diet Coke is back in the No. 3 slot for top sodas in the U.S. Other sugar-free brands are also dropping quickly. Continue reading… “The decline of the diet soda drinker”
Next for 3-D printers: healthy food
If 3-D printers are to address world food problems in the future, they’re going to have to move into far more nutritious fare, not the sugar polyhedra and chocolate rosebuds that are currently all the rage. Continue reading… “Next for 3-D printers: healthy food”