Is your chocolate Organic, Raw, Low Glycemic, Vegan, and Gluten Free?

CocoLicious chocolates are a great new chocolate on the market for people who are health conscious yet recognize the value that chocolate is able to provide. It has the particular advantages of being organic, low glycemic, raw, vegan and gluten free!

CocoLicious is one of the featured exhibitors at the DaVinci Inventor Showcase, which takes place on Oct 13, 2012 at the Denver Merchandise Mart, so you can see firsthand what all the buzz is about.

In a recent interview, Coco (her real name!) took time away from her chocolate creations to answer a few pertinent questions about creating healthy chocolates and supporting organizations that help this world to be a better place…

CocoLicious Chocolates provide a healthy way to enjoy chocolate.

What was the defining moment that led you to create this product?

I learned about all the amazing properties and health benefits of raw cacao and coconut oil and wanted to have them in my diet, so I created a chocolate for myself that was extremely healthy and that I loved.

What problem does it solve?

Experiencing the utter bliss of consuming chocolate without any of the negative properties (processed sugars, unhealthy fats, emulsifiers, lactose, etc.). CocoLicious chocolates are very low glycemic, soy, dairy and gluten free.

After you came up with the idea, how did you size up the market and decide who your customers would be?

The whole thing developed organically. When my friends tasted my creation, they loved it and said I should be selling it. I started bringing little baggies of CocoLicious chocolates to sell at our raw food potlucks. Then the local food coop approached me and said I absolutely need to be selling my chocolate there, so I did!

How did you go about naming your product?

I did a market poll and “CocoLicious” was rated as the favorite by far.

How long did it take you to create your initial prototype, and what problems did you run into along the way?

I formulated CocoLicious chocolate in one day and made refinements to it over a period of a couple of years. I had to adjust for my formula’s low melting point.

How did you go about lining up the money you needed?

I started small and grew from my profits.

Is this a product you’d like to produce and sell yourself, or are you wanting to license it to someone else?

I do produce and sell it myself. I would consider licensing under the right circumstances.

What all channels are you using to market your product?

In Boulder, CO at Whole Foods on Pearl & 28th, Ideal Market (Whole Foods), Vitamin Cottage and Alfalfas as well as samplings, the Boulder County Farmer’s Market, brochures, word of mouth and my forthcoming website.

How many people do you currently have involved in your business?


How do you define success? What would hitting a “home run” look like in your mind?

Success for me would be to have my business generating enough income with happy employees to be able to support organizations that are helping this world to be a better place, to do the things I enjoy and have the time to do them.

Where do people go to find out more about your product? , (303) 817-4145, (operational by Oct. 1st or before).