Human bowling ball game

How are you going to spend your summer?  You could go on a vacation and generate some silly memories that will only bring you a moment of satisfaction but won’t negate the constant, pesky issue called nagging kids.  So if the Sports Park 60 is a bit too far outside of your “I can handle that”, might we suggest the Human Bowling Ball.



It’s actually more than just a bowling ball, it’s an entire lane and set of pins.  But instead of the traditional 12 pin setup and wooden floor, this game uses a giant inflatable ball that the bowler gets inside of, and literally runs towards the pins.  In all likelihood you’ll score a strike every time – after all you’re only dealing with six 5-foot tall foam pins.  However, don’t overlook the vomit clean up once you and your son’s drunk teenage friends get done with it – this will surely be the most difficult part of this game.  Included is an air blower, which keeps the 3-foot high lane boundaries inflated “to an optimal firmness” at all times.

Hammacher, who sells it for $4,500, says that the whole setup is tear and rip resistant thanks to the vinyl construction.

Via Gadget Review