
in movies there are sound effects that make everything look and sound awesome. In the movies, we tend to experience something visual through our ears. When sound effects are added to visual content, it all becomes much more epic. Maybe that is why this wearable sound effects jacket was brought from idea to realization.



The idea was hatched by super tech wiz Kenneth Guglielmino, and it is an extension of our imagination where we all want a little bit more action in our lives. It’s somewhat like having your own sound effects guy following you wherever you go. This wearable sound effects jacket is one of those quirky inventions that doesn’t seem to have any purpose, yet it makes so much sense, or the other way around. Who in their right mind hasn’t ever wanted to add a little bit of awesomeness into their usually boring and ordinary life, right?

The sound effects this jacket plays are of course customizable. The small trigger is somewhat embedded into the jacket, and it will have you go “I’ll Be Back” in a matter of seconds. This particular setup, the demoed version, has a lot of sound effects of an audience bursting out in laughter as well as booing you off stage. Maybe this particular jacket is something for stand-up comedians to-be. It’s a good way to train your resistance to the audience booing at you for your lousy jokes.

The build is contained in the inner pocket of the wearable sound effects jacket. It’s built around an Arduino computer, an Adafruit Wave Shield and a small speaker. The control panel he has in his hands allows him to play sound effects, and switch between sound banks at any time. The hidden away build in his inner pocket makes it impossible to tell where the sound comes from if you don’t know how this works. Now we can all have a complete soundtrack of our lives.

Via Bit Rebels