What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?
Quote of the Day: “Golf is more fun than walking naked in a strange place, but not by much.” – Buddy Hackett
1976 Olympic luge team from planet Remulak
Yes, your head was made in a factory too!
Life was just simpler before Lady Gaga arrived!
Paying homage to the Cell Phone God!
Giraffes only care about each other from the neck up!
How would you like to happen upon this artwork walking through the forest at night?
The new U.S. Border Patrol for Canada has their hands full!
“Oh, now where did I leave my chewing gum?”
Rule of thumb, never bite off more than you can chew. You’ll only make that mistake once!
Blind dates are always a little creepy!
Every act of creation is preceded by an act of destruction!
Sorry, they may be cute but I can’t deal with high maintenance chicks!
Removing the “stinkin” from good old Lincoln!
I’ve often wonder where I can go to buy a quart of fresh perspective?
With some people, there’s no such thing as a good way of looking at them!
Duck standing on a sunroof, and yes, the sky IS falling!
Two face cow. When you see it….
Once again Mr. Frog was trying to get someone to kiss him!
Watch out! Girl grenade!
Participative funerals! They’re all the rage in the animal kingdom!
Traction, you only miss it once you’ve lost it!
There is a test to determine whether your work on Earth is done. If you’re alive, it isn’t!
His intense nearsightedness was only surpassed by his intense determination!
Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious. But I’m pretty sure the walrus doesn’t know the difference!
The double hand standard, great for crossing your fingers and not letting anyone notice!
I’m always curious as to why life hasn’t made me go insane!
Go ahead, kiss him on the lips! It will be his first!
Self-aware mannequins. Coming soon and annoying as hell!
Beware of beautiful women bearing gifts! Their hidden agendas are 9 layers deep!
If you see something you don’t understand, just keep staring!
Armageddon does not a future make!
Note to Self: This is the last time I’m using a stool softener!
When fighting the Mexican Cartels, the only thing they really fear is this bad ass grandma!
They called him “peepers” because he refused to open them!
Dying a slow painful death was still better than coming face to face with these pigs!
Before you take off, you need to know where you’ll be landing. Apparently this pilot did!
A cat without makeup is like a poser without a left-handed x-ray machine!
Let’s face it, luge riders have few options when it comes to intimidating their opponents!
Screw it! I’m out of here!
See no evil, hear no evil, position yourself for no evil!
His sneakiness was only one of his talents!
I don’t think they see eye-to-eye! Whoops, my mistake. Now they do!
Migration of the rare Golden Retriever Fish!
The underbelly of a stampede! It’s generally not a repeatable experience!
Nope, no one is messing with her!
Evolution, apparently it’s a bear thing too!
Warp Speed Bus, what all other buses wish they could be!
Once again the girl they picked to save their village was not a virgin!
Minor damage. Some light dusting should solve the problem!
After I saw this video, I packed up everything, moved cross country, and signed up for her yoga class!
Zombie bowling! Like who wouldn’t want to play this sport?