Noolkisaruni Tarakuai, Third Wife of a Maasai Chief – 800 Calories
Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio, photographers who also happen to be married, traveled around the world and met people from all walks of life. During their time with these people, they asked them to pose for photographs with their daily diets in front of them. The craziest part about the entire project is the caloric intake difference between people of different walks of life.
Marble Moahi, Mother Living with HIV/AIDS, Botswana – 900 Calories
Munna Kailash, Bicycle Rickshaw Driver, India – 2,400 Calories
Ahmed Ahmed Swaid, Qat Merchant, Yemen – 3,300 Calories
Leland Melvin, NASA Astronaut, Outer Space – 2,700 Calories
Nguyen Theo, Rice Farmer, Vietnam – 2,500 Calories
Felipe Adams, Iraq War Veteran, California – 2,100 Calories
Tiffany Whitehead, Amusement Park Ride Supervisor, Minnesota – 1,900 Calories
Ruma Akhter, Seamstress, Bangladesh – 1,800 Calories
Saleh Abdul Fadlallah, Camel Broker, Egypt – 3,200 Calories
Curtis Newcomer, US Army Soldier, Mojave Desert – 4,000 Calories
Din Memon, Taxi Driver, Chicago – 2,000 Calories
Conrad Tolby, Truck Driver, Illinois– 5,400 Calories
Mariel Booth, Model and Student, New York – 2,400 Calories
Katherine Navas, High Schooler, Venezuela – 4,000 Calories
Solange Da Silva Correia, Rancher’s Wife, Brazil – 3,400 Calories
Coco Simone Finken, Vegetarian, Canada – 1,900 Calories
Willie Ishulutak, Soapstone Carver, Canada – 4,700 Calories
Lan Guihua, Farmer, China – 1,900 Calories
Maria Ermelinda Ayme Sichigalo, Mother of Eight, Ecuador – 3,800 Calories
Via Dose