Sometimes the big picture is even bigger than the BIG picture!
Quote of the Day: “Democracy is the process by which people choose the man who’ll get the blame.” – Bertrand Russell
TSA was such a fashion buzz-kill when they made you remove your shoes!
Gravity is as gravity does…. or doesn’t!
Overheard earlier by her husband, “Yeah, let’s go with that look!”
Have you ever noticed that constipation and determination look a lot alike?
Which is more fun, a barrow full of monkeys or a barrel full of them?
When he ordered his own 747 kit, he had no idea it’d be this much work!
Breast implant manufacturing is far bigger than most people realize!
The dangers of driving 20 feet in the air!
Warning! All cats have an ulterior motives!
Wait, I think there’s something wrong with your makeup!
“Draw me like one of your French girls….”
Final table reading of Seinfeld! Talk about great endings!
Foot soldiers!
Colored pencil art, done in primate colors!
Little know fact. Eating broccoli makes every day a bad hair day!
Here’s claws in your eye!
Is it just me or do beavers always look like they’re plotting something?
It’s all fun and games until the lions show up!
After Kim Jong-Un left, they had to change 147 diapers, and not all of them were on babies!
Larung Gar, China, a city that ironically has never learned to sing the blues!
Life on the edge. No, the other edge!
What could possibly go wrong?
This just in, squirrels dig marionettes!
Rubik’s cube meltdown. I have them all the time!
The Shaman choir quartet, with makebelieve horn thingies!
Before work dance party in Copenhagen, because who wants to waste all their energy at work!
Papercraft at its most mystical!
If you haven’t seen Monty Python, you’ll never guess what happens next!
That look!
The olive man! And to think some people were born for this!
Clearly, being a conductor is a multi-limb sport!
Exorcism is sometimes needed in the animal kingdom too!
“Just the two of us!”
Even two dimensional people can never be too safe!
You might even say he has a head for it!
“Hey Big Mouth! Who you calling a Big Mouth?”
The entire meaning of life summed up in one single photo!
Barbara Szabo demonstrating why kegel exercises are so important!