NASA has already promised its space shuttle fleet to museums after their last launch later this year. Instead, a private company has made a proposal to buy up two of the shuttles and keep them flying commercially.
Forget about warp drives and wormholes, the Daedalus class of interstellar spacecraft could make it to a nearby star in our lifetimes, and it’s doable with near-term technology. Also, it’shuge. (Pics and video)
Space Adventures became world-renowned 10 years ago with the launch of Dennis Tito, the world’s first privately-funded space explorer.
Space Adventures, the only company that has provided human space mission opportunities to the world marketplace, announced today the conclusion of an agreement with the Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation (FSA) and Rocket Space Corporation Energia (RSC Energia) to commercially offer three seats on the Soyuz spacecraft bound for the International Space Station (ISS), beginning in 2013.
We won’t have enough power until 2211 for interstellar travel.
Interstellar travel won’t be possible for at least 200 years, according to a former NASA propulsion scientist who has some new calculations. And by then, the spaceships we would design for the trip will be obsolete.