Nearly 50% of teens in the US say they’re now online ‘almost constantly,’ according to new research


A new study from Pew Research Center found that one out of two teens reports being online “almost constantly.”

The study found that another 44% say they go online multiple times each day.

The time teens spend online has gone up significantly since Pew’s 2014-2015 study. Back then, only 24% of teens reported being online constantly.

Nearly half of US teens report being online on a near constant basis, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center.

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People will take 1.2 trillion digital photos this year — thanks to smartphones


Thanks to smartphones, millions of people around the globe are turning into prolific photographers. According to estimates from InfoTrends, people will take a hundred billion more photos in 2017 than they did in 2016. As highlighted by this chart from Statista — which is based on the InfoTrends’ data — the vast majority of those photos will be taken on smartphones.

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Top 10 worst technology predictions of all time

“Cellular phones will absolutely not replace local wire systems.” — Marty Cooper, inventor (1981)

Bold predictions abound in the tech world.  Some try to make educated guesses about where technology is headed.  Others prognosticate in reaction to disruptive technologies that could boost (or threaten) their business.



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San Francisco passes law requiring radiation warnings for cell phones

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Will radiation warnings curb cell phone use?

“Cell phones cause cancer.” “No they don’t!” “Yes they do.” “No they don’t!“

Back and forth it goes, like the world’s slowest game of tennis. One study spends 6 months proving that cell phones turn you into a giant walking tumor, and another pops up showing that cell phones cause nothing but an increased need to tell people what you’re doing…

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