Israeli startup StoreDot charges smartphone batteries to full in 30 seconds



It’s possible that you’ll be able to plug the smartphone in and charge it from 0 percent to 100 percent in just under a minute, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal. An Israeli startup by the name of StoreDot revealed the technology at Microsoft’s Think Next Conference using standard smartphone batteries, and they claim it’ll even be portable. (video)



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PowerTrekk uses water to charge mobile phones



A Swedish company, myFC,  has figured out how to power smartphones using a system that includes some water, a tray, a little round container, and an eyeglass case styled cover. The company is introducing its PowerTrekk system to Americans at the CES show in Vegas. PowerTrekk describes its charger as a pocket size, lightweight gizmo for users “who spend time away from the electricity grid.” Translation: If you are hiking over the weekend with no Starbucks or friend’s flat in sight, your phone can still get charged. (Videos and pics)

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