Instrument designed by Da Vinci five centuries ago built and played for first time ever

Viola Organista

Five centuries ago a man by the name of Leonardo Da Vinci sat down and sketched a design for something he clearly thought would improve what we now know as classical music. He never built the thing, though.  Whatever the reason for not building it, more than 500 years after Da Vinci first sketched up the instrument, it has finally been constructed. (Video)



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How Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man came to be


Vitruvian Man

At the dawn of the Roman imperial age, the first century B.C., the architect and thinker Vitruvius proposed that the human body could fit inside a circle, symbolic of the divine, and a square, associated with the earthly and secular — an idea that later became known as the theory of the microcosm, and came to power European religious, scientific, and artistic ideologies for centuries.

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Report Says Women’s Body Shape Be Called Da Vinci, Rembrandt or Rubens

Women have never been happy about it, but now comparing female bodies to pieces of fruit has really gone pear-shaped.

Health experts are calling for an end to the labelling of bodies as apples and pears saying it dehumanises women and puts pressure on young girls to look a certain way.

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