Large Forks may curb eating

mega fork

A really, really large fork will not allow you to eat at all.

People who use big forks eat less compared with diners who use small forks – but only when eating from a plate loaded with food, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City monitored customers at an Italian restaurant during two lunches and two dinners. With one of the study’s authors and two research assistants serving as waiters, the researchers assigned either large forks or small forks to certain tables…

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Study: Video Games Make You Eat More

video games and eating

Video games compel you to eat even when you aren’t hungry.

A study in Canada has offered up a new clue to the country’s obesity epidemic.  The study suggested that video-game use is not just a rampant and sedentary replacement for physical exertion, but actually compels players to eat more — even when they are not hungry.


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