Researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have developed an algorithm that can find predictive patterns in unfamiliar data and performs better than two-thirds of human teams.
Input from humans can make the Internet of Things smarter
Internet of Things (IoT) systems usually consist of a set of sensors that collect information, which is then transmitted between different devices without human intervention. At the same time, today’s mobile infrastructure — the devices, the apps — is typically all about human interaction.
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A mouse with a human speech gene learns faster
The humanized gene actually improved the animal’s behavior rather than messing up the system.
According to a new study, mice that receive a human version of a speech and language gene display accelerated learning. Don’t expect these findings to lead to a rush of smarter, “uplifted” animals—though they might just reveal something new and fascinating about the evolution of human speech and language.
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Seven Reasons Why the Value of Human Life is Increasing Exponentially
Futurist Thomas Frey: What’s the value of a human life?
For some of you this is a very disconcerting question because it attempts to put a dollar value on a person, something we value in far different ways.
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Are robots people, too?
“When we create our future, we recreate ourselves.”
“Humans Need Not Apply,” a new online video about automation says, “this is an economic revolution.” The premise of the video is that human work will soon be all but obsolete. “You may think we’ve been here before, but we haven’t,” says CGP Grey, the video’s creator. “This time is different.” The video has gone viral, with nearly two million YouTube views in one week. But is it true?
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Will killing robots with artificial brains be unethical in the future?
In the future it’s possible we will be able to create artificially human brains that emulate a real human.
Imagine that in hundreds of years in the future it becomes possible to create an exact replica of any human brain on Earth. How should the copy be treated? Should scientists be allowed to experiment on it and, ultimately, put it down if it is no longer needed? After all, it is merely artificial intelligence (AI).
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Advances in emotional computing will give businesses an unfair advantage
Pepper will understand human emotions.
Softbank CEO Masayoshi Son announced last week they have developed an amazing new robot called Pepper. The most amazing feature isn’t that it will only cost $2,000, or that Pepper is intended to babysit your kids and work the registers at retail stores. What’s really remarkable is that Pepper is designed to understand and respond to human emotion.
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Scientists one step away from cloning adult humans
It might soon be possible to grow human body parts in a lab, even from older adults’ stem cells.
For the first time ever human cloning has been used to create stem cells for adults in a breakthrough which could lead to tissue and organs being regrown. Scientists have turned the skin cells of a 75-year-ol man into stem cells, which can grow into any type of tissue in the body.
How technology is helping the most helpless
As a new study from the University of Arizona about sex trafficking during the Super Bowl highlights, advances in data analysis are underpinning some powerful new ways of tackling very tough problems. Among all the stones hurled at the tech sector lately, this is an area in which it can take pride.
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Why the future of technology is all too human
Robots have been working in factories for decades.
Ray Kurzweil predicted a new era of thinking machines that will meet and then exceed human intelligence when he published The Age Of Spiritual Machines in 1999. The idea seemed outlandish at the time, but not so much anymore.
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3D printed human cells could end animal testing within 5 years
3D-printed human tissue could very soon begin saving millions of lives — those of the humble lab mice.
A hundred million animals are killed in labs and classrooms across the U.S. every year. Many of these mice, rats and rabbits are needed in part to develop the early stages of new vaccines and medicines, which might later go on to treat human illnesses. It is a harsh reality for the animals involved, but one which may be about to change.
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Scientists trying to build human hearts for organ transplants
There has already been success by researchers in growing tracheas, bladders, and body parts like noses on scaffolds using stem cells. Why not try to develop something more complex, like a heart or lungs? Dr. Harald Ott is a surgeon and researcher at Boston’s Massachusetts General Hospital who has been working on this very question.
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