Shapeways launches new full color 3D printable plastic material

shapewaysShapeways has announded full color plastic material.

The leader when it comes to on-demand 3D printing services is Shapeways. They lead in both, total business, as well as the variety of products and printing materials they offer to consumers. The company seems to be on a road of continued improvements, making sure they stay well ahead of the competition.



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2012 was a year of expansion for 3D printing

As 3D printing expands its influence into mainstream culture, plenty of amazing things are happening. There are a lot of 3D printing companies expanding and getting more funding, but enterprising designers are finding more and more ways to use the fledgling printing technology. While some of these uses are a bit troubling (like piracy of copyrighted material and firearms), others show that, with enough ingenuity, 3D printing can change lives. Let’s take a look at some of the industry’s bigger stories from this year.



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iVictrola gramophone printed on a 3D printer magnifies your music


Big sound using age old principles.

I know I’ve been all about the old-fashioned-looking iPhone speakers lately, most of which are electricity-free. And 3D printing. So I’m jazzed the two have come together with this 3D printed iVictrola Gramophone dreamed up by Schreer Design and manufactured by Shapeways.

Check. It. Out. (video after jump…)

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