Conversnitch: Listening device planted in public locations post straight to Twitter



Everyone eavesdrops but few people will admit to it. However, two artists decided to bring the popular pastime into the digital age, with a lamp that can listen in on conversations and post the juiciest details straight to Twitter. Kyle McDonald and Brian House created Conversnitch to raise the issue of privacy in a world where internet-connected mobile devices make it so easy to share other people’s secrets.


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NSA installed spy malware on laptops purchased online

Der Spiegel based on internal NSA documents, reports that the signals intelligence agency’s elite hacking unit (TAO) is able to conduct sophisticated wiretaps in ways that make Hollywood fantasy look more like reality. The report indicates that the NSA, in collaboration with the CIA and FBI, routinely and secretly intercepts shipping deliveries for laptops or other computer accessories in order to implant bugs before they reach their destinations.



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Tim Berners-Lee denounces encryption cracking by spy agencies

Sir Tim Berners-Lee

The computer scientist who created the world wide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, has called for a “full and frank public debate” over internet surveillance by the National Security Agency and its British counterpart,GCHQ. He warns that the system of checks and balances that oversee the agencies has failed.



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Lockheed Martin’s SPAN spy rock could be the military’s new secret weapon

The surveillance technology is so small it can fit in a rock.

Lockheed Martin showcased developments in their surveillance technology called SPAN (Self-Powered Ad-hoc Network) at the annual AUSA Army meeting in Washington, D.C. last week. SPAN, a “covert, perpetually self-powered wireless sensor network” that can provide “unobtrusive, continuous surveillance” in units so small they can fit in a rock.



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37% of married people snoop on their spouses online


 The percentage of significant others, spouses and parents who admit to digital snooping is on the rise.

Many people are left slightly creeped out by the many ways strangers collect their online data through targeted online advertising. Strangers aren’t the only people who are likely to collect personal information without your notice according to a new study.


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55% of parents spy on their children on Facebook to see what they are up to


Many parents worried about what their children do online have taken matters into their own hands.

Fifty-five percent of parents log onto social networking sites like Facebook to spy on what their children are doing, a study has found.


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Eyez – HD Video Recording Spy Glasses

spy glasses

Eyez video recording glasses

A Seattle-based startup, ZionEyez, has created a pair of spy glasses that are capable of recording and sharing HD video discreetly. The Eyez video recording glasses come equipped with a 720p HD recording camera, microphone and 8 GB flash memory. The glasses have up to three hours of battery life and can share information tirelessly with both the Bluetooth and WiFi standards. (video)


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U.S. Air Force Giant Spy Blimp Could be Afghanistan’s Biggest Brain


“Blue Devil”

Come this fall, there will be a new and extremely powerful supercomputer in Afghanistan. But it won’t be in Dave Petraeus’ headquarters in Kabul or at some three-letter agency’s operations center in Kandahar. It’ll be floating 20,000 feet above the warzone, aboard a giant spy blimp that watches and listens to everything for miles around.


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