With prerequisites include intimate knowledge of the bleeding edge of technology, the ability to separate signal from noise, and more than a little audacity, writing lists forecasting technology can be a bit like writing science fiction. Continue reading… “The most electrifying emerging tech for 2015”
Robot hands to help in the kitchen
Having long been relegated to harsh environments like deserts and nuclear waste dump, robots will not hit the harshest environment of all: your kitchen. Continue reading… “Robot hands to help in the kitchen”
Magic ‘metamaterials’ taking physics by storm
“Metamaterials” that can be designed to have surprising properties have many physicists abuzz. Continue reading… “Magic ‘metamaterials’ taking physics by storm”
China Mobile zero to 100M 4G subscribers in 14 months
According to the newest data from China Mobile, the company now has just over 100 million 4G subscribers. This comes only 14 months after the nation’s top telco switched on China’s first 4G network. Continue reading… “China Mobile zero to 100M 4G subscribers in 14 months”