An underwater railway tunnel has opened in Turkey that links Europe to Asia and the east and west sides of Instanbul. The system was one that was proposed 150 years ago by an Ottoman sultan.
The 64-mile tunnel would connect the far east of Russia with Alaska.
Plans to build the world’s longest tunnel have been unveiled in Russia. The tunnel will run under the Bering Strait as part of a transport corridor linking Europe and America via Siberia and Alaska.
Taking the Video Game Pirate Thing to a new Level!
There are many sides of the to-pirate-or-not-to-pirate debate. From those who think that pirating is wrong on principle, to those who think that pirating a game is a universal right, to those who love to pay money for all of their games but don’t think twice about ripping a copy of StarCraft for a friend, and more.
But there’s one thing that they can all agree on. It’s hard to think of a dumber way to pirate games than to trying to tunnel into a retail store.
But nevertheless, 33 year old Steven Archer was arrested this Thursday in Tennessee for breaking into a vacant building and using it as a base to tunnel into his local GameStop next door….