coolest picture ever 671

Behind this lies the face of fear. However, from the surface all we are seeing
is this amazing reflection of that which is about to kill him

“Flying is the fine art of learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.” – – Douglas Adams


This photo shows the spots on the dog are fake 325,jpg

Hey, those things aren’t really spots. There’s something
going on with Dalmatians, and its starting to creep me out




Igloo Village 044

Snow igloos are so yesterday.



Photobomb - Polar Bear style 782

Wow! Photo bombed by a polar bear. Now if only we can get him to stop eating the kids!




Just chillin 444

Note to self. Hang on!




The Dynamic Duo 762

Henry the pelican loved being the gator’s “hood ornament” because there were always left overs




Lightcatchers 673

Some of the shiniest things in life are filled with little pricks






Bad Idea 672

Even with all your special monk powers, this is just a bad idea




Sand art 232

Some of life’s greatest works of art have a way of becoming all-consuming




safari stop 679

Kids love getting close to animals at the zoo. Well, except the vicious ones like zebras




Summer spin 036

Getting kids dizzy is the first step to making them want to take drugs




Typical morning workout 844

Wow! I need to go to the gym more often. Exactly where is this gym?




Deep Meditation 356

Caught in deep meditation




Time vs houses 652

Yes, the neighborhood was going downhill. But Clifford still
thought he could collect on his homeowner warranties




Meeting new friends 361

It was the beginning of a love that just wasn’t meant to be




Mountain church floating in clouds 777

The truth is rarely pure and never simple, but every once in a while it will rise above the fog




Sled Man 872

Luck has a way of favoring those who least depend on it




It's turtle time 634

“Kawabunga dude! It’s turtle time!”




Military Training 387

With new recruits, all stage one inspections begin with their clothes on




Lap Dog 672

If your dog is fat, you aren’t getting enough exercise




Duct Tape 076

Hey, has anyone seen Fred? He was just here a minute ago?




wonder what was happening in front of this guy 111

As this guy knows, the real story is happening inside the onlookers, because one of them started it




Buddhist monk and tiger 033

Contrary to what most people say, the most dangerous animal in the world is not the
lion or the tiger or even the elephant. It’s a shark riding on an elephant’s back,
just trampling and eating everything they see.




Invisible Boyfriend 982

The perfect boyfriend. Invisible to the rest of the world,
but available for romantic touching when needed




New Look 782

News Update: President Obama continues on his quest for a new look for the military




Cube Face 076

Women who are cold hearted and impersonal have worked at it for years. This is one of the
secret machines all women know about. Icy stares are just thrown in as a bonus measure




Fully Armed 892

To some people, everything looks like a target




Am i doing this right 783

“Am I doing it right?”

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