Playable chocolate music record
Peter Lardong, a resident of Berlin, Germany and an inventor with a “taste for music” has become the first man to actually create a “playable” chocolate record which can be heard and eaten up when you get bored of listening to it. (pics and video)
The 67 year old Peter hit upon his novel idea of making “chocolate records” when he was fired from the local brewery where he worked. Initially he set about making records from materials such as butter, cheese, cola, beer and sausages; but none of the combinations seemed to work unless he chanced upon chocolate. Using his brewing knowledge gained over the years, Peter managed to come up with a special chocolate concoction using cocoa butter, cocoa and lecithin.
This mixture was heated on a stove before pouring into a specially made silicone mould which when hard enough was strong enough to be put under the record player stylus for playing. Capable of being played for a minimum of about twelve times, the resultant music was bound to be the “sweetest” music possible on Earth. However, there was no doubt that the stylus would have lost its effectiveness by this time.
That Lardong is known for such weird innovations is nothing new with records stating that he has been almost a regular at the Berlin Patent Office over a period of thirty years. All said, how many would actually eat his chocolate record is difficult to guess considering the value such unique collector items hold!
Via Gizmowatch