IL CES Direct Feed

Some of the innovations at CES were basic and if you saw one of them you were going to see 20. Others jumped out and smacked you in the noggin because there were obvious landmark steps in a new direction. The Leonar3Do virtual reality design kit really captured our imagination and kept us thinking all day and night of the possibilities it was capable of…

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Application Platform – SDK

Leonar3Do comes complete with an SDK and the Leo API that enables you to create your own software applications for the Leonar3Do hardware kit using OpenGL programming.

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The concept of Leonar3Do is rooted in design. The original intention was to break with the 2D approach in which all designing methods are rooted (the paper and pencil paradigm), replacing it with a three dimensional creative environment – to realize the old dream of being able to visualize in real space the designs that we have see in our minds.

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After the 3D image is created it can be printed out on a 3D printer.