This DIY biohacker is under investigation


Josiah Zayner rose to internet fame after performing various biohacking stunts on himself — including a livestreamed attempt to edit his own genes using CRISPR.

Those antics are coming to haunt Zayner. Now, the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) is investigating a “complaint of unlicensed practice of medicine” filed against him — a strange development that could have implications for the future of biohacking.

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DIY ‘Solar Pocket Factory’ can 3D print a solar panel every 15 seconds

open-source solar panel

Solar Pocket Factory

Two young inventors based in the Philippines, Shawn Frayne and Alex Hornstein, are taking their passion for clean free energy and developing a way to make it accessible and cheap for everyone. These guys are working hard to provide a product that could be used by practically anyone to make homemade solar panels. (Videos)



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Air Hockey Robot built from 3D printer parts

Air Hockey robot

Air Hockey Robot

The Air Hockey Robot, developed by Jose Julio out of some spare 3D printer parts and a PS3 camera, is a tough competitor to beat. The robot uses its camera and an Arduino Mega to correctly predict the trajectory of the puck, even when it’s rebounding haphazardly across the table. With freedom of motion on two axes, the robot can even predict how best to return your last futile attempt to score against its robo-defense. (Video)



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Robohand: A 3D printed functional prosthetic hand at a DIY price

Dylan Laas

Twelve year old Dylan Laas says Robohand makes him look like Darth Vader. Dylan is missing the fingers on one hand as a result of Amniotic Band Syndrome. For $150, the 3-D printed Robohand lets him grab things with bendable fingers, which most prosthetic hands don’t. (Video)


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Kickstarter’s massive leap into forefront of indie innovation

Like YouTube, Facebook, or blogging platforms, it’s almost hard to believe there was an Internet without Kickstarter, which may be the greatest testament to its success. In 2009, the site generated about $23 million for its projects–an impressive figure by all accounts–but in 2012, Kickstarter pulled in roughly 10 times that, leapfrogging the grant budget of the National Endowment for the Arts. You can find all those facts and many more in the following masterful infographic (broken apart here) created for Fast Company by Catalogtree and reported by Skylar Bergl, Jeffrey Cattel, and Lindsey Kratochwill…

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