The carrot-top leek-a-phone, for that truly organic sound...
.Quote of the day: “A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer.” – Mitch Hedberg
Ya really gotta LEAN into it!
Excellence poured forth from their muse.
HELLOOOOOO! Have you seen my fish?
Wisdom lies within those reflective moments of life, and whenever someone steals your wallet.
But mostly from the wallet.
The game is called chicken…
Elk hunting with rocket-launchers is so much fun!
Argh! That helium makes your voice sound just like your sisters!
Consciousness streamed though the city effortlessly.
But the drunken brawls happened anyway.
Yes it was a horse, but the ride was stiff and the rider often got splinters.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
Flossing feels so good!
Is it time to wake up Rumplestiltskin yet? Or should I let him rust in peace?
Why can’t I get any milk out of this thing?
Perspective can be a funny or tragic thing.
Fox ventriloquism is still in its infancy.
VCs had little respect for Mark Zuckerberg when he first showed up asking for money.
Furbellina ready to travel.
When greeting death at a bus stop always ask for exact change.
Simply a shadow of his former self.
It was really the book bazooka that made the traveling bookmobile so effective.
If you dislocate your jaw like this, you can fit it ALL in at once.
To any pirate, this was just a floating appetizer.
Only three long kisses, and the prince you desire is on the other side of this darling mug.
Wild things exercising their beauty.
The full immersion zen garden was just what she had been searching for.
Disgusted by the options at hand, Mr. Phips decides it was time to bust a move.
As it turns out, naked women can grow on trees.
Death becomes them.
Skunk spray? What makes you think I know anything about skunk spray?