Hair salon Super Hair Seo in Nishinomiya, Japan is playing lucky host to Panasonic’s Head Care Robot, which is undergoing its first tests alongside hairdressers. The shampoo robot ‘offers a degree of comfort that users cannot experience with human hands.’
Introduced back in 2010, the device consists of a reclining chair and a mechanized washbasin. It first scans your head to get an idea of its shape, and can accommodate a variety of noggins, according to Panasonic.
Then it releases shampoo jets and gets to work on your scalp with its 24 robotic fingers. Eight of the fingers work the back of your neck while the rest knead your scalp.
How does it feel? Panasonic says a human hair washer can’t offer such a relaxing experience. With more than double our fingers, how can we meatsacks compete?
The machine is being developed to help care for elderly and disabled users, and Panasonic says it wants to commercialize it soon after getting feedback from trials at Super Hair Seo and elsewhere.
After shampooing, meanwhile, the robot applies a conditioner mist, gives you another 24-finger massage, and finally blow-dries your hair. Then you’re ready for a new ‘do.
You can forget the tip. But then again, you don’t even have to tip the humans in Japan.
Via Cnet