St. Peter’s Square in 2005 and 2013.

Sometimes it’s hard to gauge just how much things have changed with the surge in mobile devices. Sure, we know they’re popular, are loaded with awesome cameras and apps, and ensure we’re connected to the digital world throughout the day, but how have these devices changed society as a whole?



Fortunately, NBC’s Today Show provided a little insight today with a comparison of two images from St. Peter’s Square during the announcement of Pope Benedict in 2005 and Pope Francis in 2013. It speaks volumes about the changes the world is experiencing today:

Now, it isn’t as if the people outside of the Vatican in 2005 didn’t have gadgets on them. Many were taking photos with cameras and certainly more had cell phones with them than is shown in the image. However, the 2013 photo shows the surge of mobile devices and how capturing key moments in life digitally has become increasingly important, not only for personal memories but sharing through social media. This is happening at many events around the world as well, as many who attend music concerts have experienced.

At a celebration for a tradition that extends back nearly two millennia, the rapid proliferation of technology into everyday society is visually striking and telling.

Via Singularity Hub