Edible robot surgeons will cure you from the inside out


Back in 1985, the best robotic surgeon we had was the Puma 560, a manipulator arm just barely more advanced than Rocky Balboa’s robo-butler. Just barely. The Puma was nevertheless revolutionary. It was the very first mechanical operator, progenitor to steady-handed robo-surgeons like the DaVinci system. But in the near future, robots will no longer be cutting into us — from the outside, at least.

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Top 5 tech products that will be dead in 5 years

The entire demise of Blu-rays and DVDs are due to one company.

Innovation in the tech industry is moving fast.  We can’t know all of the different technologies that will fill our lives in five years. We can however, predict what tech products won’t last. It’s clear the technology landscape will look dramatically different in the near future.



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Shocking difference between technology in 2005 and 2013

St. Peter’s Square in 2005 and 2013.

Sometimes it’s hard to gauge just how much things have changed with the surge in mobile devices. Sure, we know they’re popular, are loaded with awesome cameras and apps, and ensure we’re connected to the digital world throughout the day, but how have these devices changed society as a whole?



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New wave of ‘silent camera’ apps blamed for huge rise in illicit photography in Japan


An upskirt warning poster in a subway station outside Tokyo.

Almost all smartphone cameras have a built-in shutter noise to prevent the camera being used to take pictures without people’s consent.  But a new wave of ‘silent’ apps – some specifically designed for voyeurism – have been blamed for a huge rise in illicit photography in Japan.

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Do Teachers Have the Right to Video Record Distruptive Students?


Does a teacher have the right to make a video recording of students without their permission and what privacy rights does a student have in school?

 Where do we draw the line at which public video recording becomes an invasion of privacy?  Even as cell-phone cameras and handheld video recorders proliferate,  public video recording is still murky in the eyes of the law.


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Discover the Hidden Patterns of Tomorrow with Futurist Thomas Frey
Unlock Your Potential, Ignite Your Success.

By delving into the futuring techniques of Futurist Thomas Frey, you’ll embark on an enlightening journey.

Learn More about this exciting program.