Robostep at CES 2014

The Robostep is an advanced travel tool that can reach speeds of up to 12.5 miles per hour and offers reliable security and unique driving technology.

Computers and motors in the base of the device keep the AI Dynamics Robostep upright when powered on with balancing enabled. A user commands the Robostep to go forward by shifting his weight forward on the platform and backward by shifting his weight backward. The Robostep notices, as it balances, the change in its center of mass, and first establishes and then maintains a corresponding speed, forward or backward. Gyroscopic sensors and fluid-based leveling sensors are used to detect the shifting weight. To turn, the user manipulates the handlebar left or right.

The Robostep is an ideal personal transporter, be it at work, at the park or when going for a round of Golf. Compared to a golf cart, this is a transportation hole-in one: Compact, fun and easy to maneuver. The Golf package includes low-pressure tires that barely disturb the turf, a scorecard holder, and a bag carrier that automatically positions your clubs upright after you step off.

The Robostep has a high capacity lithium ion battery that is replaceable and has a rated life of over 3 years. A single charge allows you to travel over 30 KM! Two wireless Keys are included with every Robostep.

The Robostep cannot be operated without the key and also features a security Alarm.
