Will Bitcoin become a policy issue for the U.S. Congress?


Digital currency may soon become an issue that could unite US politicians.

Recent US Congresses have been some of the least productive in the country’s history, and the 113th Congress has been no different. The sheer number of policy-related issues tabled since January 2013 has put the current Congress on pace to become the least productive in the nation’s history, rivaling the 112th Congress in how few laws it could ultimately pass.



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Google Glass privacy issues raises questions from U.S. government

Google Glass

Privacy issues related to Google Glass are drawing government attention. A U.S. Congressional Privacy Caucus committee sent a letter to Google chief executive Larry Page asking just how the company plans to protect both people wearing the device and the people it records.



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Drone GPS hacking fears raised by Congress


Congress now has second thoughts on safety after pushing FAA to allow UAVs.

In a House Homeland Security oversight subcommittee hearing members of Congress raised concerns over the potential security risks posed by jamming and electronic hijacking of unmanned aerial systems, and the potential use of drones by terrorists.

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Needs your own lobbyist? Kickstarter knock-off funding to Anti-SOPA cause

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A new way to deal with political problems.

Over the past two weeks, staffers from HUGE, the Dumbo-based digital agency, have been at work on a different kind of interactive campaign. Yesterday around noon, a skunkworks team made up of software engineers, interaction designers, information architects, and more finally unleashed their side project on the world: a platform called We the Lobby that “makes the United States political system available to the 99% who can’t afford a lobbying group.”

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Extended unemployment benefits are set to expire in 2012, will this be the next big hit to the economy?


The total impact of the extended unemployment benefits on the economy is huge, because so many Americans are currently taking advantage of them.

The economic recovery could be headed for a major hit that will leave it even weaker as extended unemployment benefits are set to expire in 2012.


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Ban on the incandescent light bulb would save consumers $12.5 billion by 2020


The average household’s energy costs would be cut by 7% or $85 every year.

Making it’s way through the U.S. Congress is a bill that would block certain provisions from a 2007 energy law signed by George W. Bush that “effectively bans the 100-watt incandescent bulb next year and other versions subsequently”. The law simply mandates that bulbs need to be 30% more energy efficient, an improvement that could have great economic and environmental benefits.


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