Father’s who sleep closer to their children experience a drop in testosterone

Fathers who co-sleep with their children may be more responsive their children’s needs.

Mothers and fathers both are biologically adapted to respond to children. New research from the University of Notre Dame shows that dads who sleep near their children experience a drop in testosterone. Previous research from humans and other species suggests this decrease might make men more responsive to their children’s needs and help them focus on the demands of parenthood.



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Having children reduces a man’s risk of heart disease


Having kids reduces a man’s risk of heart disease by 20%.

Having children could mean healthier hearts for men. A decade-long study of 135,000 men found that those who remained child-free had a higher risk of dying from heart disease than those who ‘sowed their oats.’  Men who had children reduced their risk of heart disease by 20%.

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Dad’s spend twice as much time with kid’s than they did a few generations ago


“Take Time To Be a Dad Today”

The percentage of  fathers in the U.S. who live apart from their children has doubled over the last 50 years. But, many dad’s today are spending more than twice as much time with their kids as they did back then.


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