New microscope captures ultra-high-resolution movies of live 3D biomolecules


A single HeLa cell in metaphase (during mitosis), imaged by a lattice light sheet microscope.

A new imaging platform called a “lattice light sheet” developed by Nobel laureate Eric Betzig and colleagues at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Research Campus is a significant leap forward for light microscopy. It captures high-resolution images rapidly and minimizes damage to cells, so it can image the three-dimensional activity of molecules, cells, and embryos in fine detail over longer periods than was previously possible, according to the HHMI scientists. (Videos)



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What a warp drive spaceship should look like

ixs 7

IXS Enterprise

Mark Rademaker, artist,  has unveiled a set of concept images imagining what a spaceship would look like that is  capable of traveling to other stars in a matter of months. His IXS Enterprise design is based on some hard science even though it may look like something from the next science fiction epic and is unlikely to lift off anytime soon. (Photos)



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Computer analyzes images to teach itself common sense

At Carnegie Mellon University computers are running a program that analyze images to learn common sense.

A computer program analyzes images 24 hours a day to try to learn common sense.  The aim is to see if computers can learn, in the same way a human would, what links images, to help them better understand the visual world.



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Pinterest joins the billionaires club with $100 million funding from Rakuten


Pinterest deal values the company at around $1.5 billion.

It seems that every hot startup needs to reach a billion dollar valuation to be taken seriously after the surprising purchase of Instagram by Facebook.  It only seems inevitable that the popular image pinboard site, Pinterest would skyrocket in value.

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Top 10 most powerful photos in the world


Agim Shala, a two-year-old boy, is passed through a fence made with barbed wire to his family.

It is often said a picture is worth a thousand words.  But there only a few rare photos that tell more than a thousand words. Those pictures tell a powerful story, a story poignant enough to change the world and galvanize each of us. Over and over again…


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Tennessee Law Makes it Illegal to Post Images That Can ‘Cause Emotional Distress’


Images that are displayed online that could “frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress” are illegal.

Tennessee lawmakers pass a new law that makes it a crime to “transmit or display an image” online that is likely to “frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress” to someone who sees it. Violations can get you almost a year in jail time or up to $2500 in fines.


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People Blaming Facebook for Divorces


Facebook is a source of evidence in divorce cases.

Divorces can get really ugly and social media can paly a large part in that.  More and more of divorce cases include incriminating evidence captured on social media sites, at least for one Florida lawyer who says she sees “some type of Facebook involvement” in 90 percent of her divorce cases.


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Ever Wondered How NASA Photoshops Their Images?


NASA generally releases some fairly pretty pictures of things that we humans who don’t have NASA-style funding wouldn’t ever be able to see. Well, it turns out NASA doesn’t necessarily see the things they’re releasing pictures of either, at least, not how they look in said released pictures…

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