Humans Can Now “Print” Genetic Code and Engineer Life

We have learned how to manipulate the code of life. Why this hasn’t received more attention is beyond me.

Synthetic Biology is a multidisciplinary field that often defies definition. Yet despite its complexity, it is a remarkably easy field to apply once you’ve learned the science behind it. From a computer, you can input your desired genetic sequence, print it out, glue it together, put it into a cell and then watch whatever you have created sprout.

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The 12 most dangerous superbugs, ranked by the WHO


The World Health Organization says we need to step up the fight against a dozen bacteria that are growing resistant to all the antibiotics we have to treat them.

One of the scariest features of the antibiotic resistance crisis — which has been accelerated by how we overuse these drugs — is that pharmaceutical companies aren’t developing new antibiotics quickly enough. They also often place profits ahead public health when choosing which drugs to develop.

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French researchers restore the youth of cells taken from 100 year old people


Scientists in France were able to restore the youth of cells taken from people 100 years of age and older. They reprogrammed them to stem cells stage, demonstrating that aging is in fact reversible.

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How artificial intelligence will change our lives


Simon Worrall: We may not be aware of it, but machine learning is already an integral part of our daily lives, from the product choices that Amazon offers us to the surveillance of our data by the National Security Agency. Few of us understand it or the implications, however.

3D printed thyroid gland implanted into mice


With new advancements happening on a regular basis in the world of bioprinting, it’s hard to determine just which company is furthest ahead.  Is it Organovo, the publicly traded company already working to create 3D printed mini kidneys with Australian researchers? Or is it one of the many research institutions making advancements in 3D printing ear drums, blood vessels, or carbon composites for bone regeneration?  If one had to choose, they might lean towards 3D Bioprinting Solutions, who successfully 3D printed a thyroid gland, classified as an “organ construct”.  And, today, news leaked that the Russian company had taken their research one step further, implanting a 3D printed thyroid into mice.

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Researchers develop new test that detects all viruses that infect people and animals


There are some 320,000 unique mammalian viruses, according to estimates by virologists, and likely exponentially more existing on the planet today. Determining an accurate number would require billions more dollars and a great deal more manpower than is currently given to the study of viruses. Though a handful of viruses live in and on our bodies at all times—known as the virome—not all of them make us ill; just as often, they lie dormant. Many virus functions remain mysterious to scientists, such as how they enter a cell or replicate, though existing test advances, like the VirScan blood test, can tell you any infection you’ve ever had.

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Soon every doctor’s bag will contain a 3D printer



Disruptive technology in the medical profession provides a much cheaper and more comfortable way of providing care. There have been articles about what we can print out in 3D today from equipment and casts to biomaterials and drugs. The 3D4MD team just demonstrated a perfect example of how such a technology can deliver care in regions where the lack of resources is an everyday problem.

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IBM’s Watson is finally getting closer to becoming your doctor


IBM’s Watson can beat Ken Jennings at Jeopardy, tell you about your city, and dream up recipes for delectable delicacies. Watson is now doing something even more important than all previous capabilities combined — it’s finally getting closer to becoming your doctor.

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World’s first 3D-printed drug to blow the field of personalized medicine wide open


3D-printed widgets and other medical novelties clearly illustrate the potential of 3D printing. They are set to radically change the biotech and pharmaceutical industry. With its extreme versatility and inherent ability to customize products, many experts believe that 3D printing will finally blow the field of affordable personalized medicine wide open. Yet so far it’s been mostly hope — and plenty of hype — with little sign that the radical technology might actually become a medical mainstay.


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