The DARPA Grand Challenge 10 years later

2004 Grand Challenge Entrant 2

2004 DARPA Grand Challenge

Fifteen vehicles left a starting gate in the desert outside of Barstow, Calif., to make history in the DARPA Grand Challenge on March 13, 2004, a first-of-its-kind race to foster the development of self-driving ground vehicles. The goal of the race was to autonomously navigate a 142-mile course that ran across the desert to Primm, Nev. The longer-term goal was to accelerate development of the technological foundations for autonomous vehicles that could ultimately substitute for men and women in hazardous military operations, such as supply convoys.



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New York plans $40 million prize competition to create community microgrids

New York plans competition for 10 community microgrid projects across the state.

The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, has put $40 million in prize money behind his push to bolster the state’s post-Hurricane Sandy storm resilience with community microgrids. But will that be enough to overcome the regulatory and economic barriers that have challenged efforts to create microgrids in New York?



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The Methuselah Foundation offers $1 million prize for a bioengineered liver

If man-made organs were available, nobody would have to wait, or die waiting.

It might be hard to tally how much is a liver worth for someone on a waiting list for a transplant. But one nonprofit is now saying it’s willing to pay $1 million for a bioengineered liver.



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DaVinci Institute unveils eight competitions for mankind


Thomas Frey, futurist and executive director at the DaVinci Institute.

Thomas Frey, a futurist and executive director at the DaVinci Institute, has  been drawing inspiration from the success of large-scale incentive-based prize competitions as he announced a series of eight massively difficult competitions during his keynote July 10th at the World Future Society’s “WorldFuture 2011″ event in Vancouver, BC, Canada.


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Health Provider Offers $3 Million for Algorithm That Can Predict if You Will Get Sick in the Future


HPN wants better predictive health care.

It’s almost as if Heritage Provider Network set out to create the perfect story by mashing up all of our favorite things: clever algorithms, a multi-million dollar intellectual competition, and the future. The California-based health care provider has put up a purse of $3 million for the person or group who can come up with a predictive algorithm that accurately identifies people at risk for hospitalization in the next year, thus encouraging predictive medical measures and reducing unnecessary hospital stays.


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