How technology is helping the most helpless


As a new study from the University of Arizona about sex trafficking during the Super Bowl highlights, advances in data analysis are underpinning some powerful new ways of tackling very tough problems. Among all the stones hurled at the tech sector lately, this is an area in which it can take pride.



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Benedivz – now you can have webcam sex for charity

Benedivz performers donate a percentage of proceeds to a charity of their choice.

Benedivz has debuted its site where live webcam entertainers broadcast to viewers who buy “helping-handz credits” to see live performances and “requested” activities. Performers donate a percentage of proceeds to a charity of their choice. Benevidz will match 50 percent of their earnings and donate that amount to their selected cause. The company is currently raising $15,000 on crowdfunding site Rockethub for this noble endeavor.



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Top 10 Reasons Why Men Won’t Commit

Men love their single life and experience few of the traditional pressures that once encouraged them to marry.

They want kids, houses and sex. And they want women, too — but not in the form of wives. Not until they’re older. So says the latest study to probe the minds of America’s young men, aged 25 to 33. The study found 10 reasons men won’t commit — from the ease of finding sex partners to the desire to avoid financial risks of divorce.



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Word usage predicts dating success


Function words – those unassuming “filler” words like the, this, though, I, an, there, and, that – are mightier than you think. For one, they’re a very good predictor of sex and love.

Yes, sex and love. Now that I’ve got your attention, on to the story of how analyzing the patterns of the use of these words in speech between two strangers in a speed dating scenario can be a very good predictor of who will get the date…

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Brain scans can predict who will gain weight or have sex in the next 6 months

brain scan

Women whose nucleus accumbens reacts strongly to pictures of appealing food are more likely to gain weight in the next six months.

The activity in the nucleus accumbens, a region of the brain associated with reward, can predict who will gain weight or have sex in the next six months, according to new research.

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Men DO think about sex more often than women but only 19 times a day: study

men think about sex more often than women

Men also think about sleeping, eating and other basic biological functions more than women.

That old cliche about men thinking about sex more often than wome is true and researchers have proven it by sending students out into the world to ‘log’ what they are thinking about.



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