Google futurist and director of engineering: Basic income will spread worldwide by the 2030s


Basic income will be widespread by the 2030s, according to Google futurist and director of engineering Ray Kurzweil.

Kurzweil is known for making seemingly wild predictions. In 2016, he predicted that by 2029, medical technology will add an extra year to human life expectancies on an annual basis.

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IBM’s supercomputer Watson can answer your deepest questions, after ingesting 2,000 TED Talks

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What is the relationship between money and psychology?  What is the secret to happiness?  What is the meaning of life?   TED Talks have long been exploring these are the kinds of deep questions.  Now the answers may be just a click away, with the help of IBM’s cognitive computer Watson.   Continue reading… “IBM’s supercomputer Watson can answer your deepest questions, after ingesting 2,000 TED Talks”

Beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming: Nick Hanauer


Nick Hanauer, venture capitalist and author

An unrepentant capitalist and rich guy, Nick Hanauer has something to say to his fellow plutocrats: Wake up! Growing inequality is about to push our societies into conditions resembling pre-revolutionary France. Hear his argument about why a dramatic increase in minimum wage could grow the middle class, deliver economic prosperity … and prevent a revolution. (Video)

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The latest crazy prediction for the future by MIT Media Lab founder

Nicholas Negroponte

Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the MIT Media Lab.

In 1984, Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the MIT Media Lab, delivered his first TED talk and, “with surprising accuracy,” made five predictions for the future. Of course, 30 years ago, naysayers argued sensory computing wasn’t the future; people would never use their fingers as some alternative stylus. (Video)

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The Disruptive Nature of the Sharing Economy: Finding the Next Great Opportunities


Futurist Thomas Frey: Many of us suffer from a sinister and often contagious disorder, something I call just-in-case disease.

We own toolboxes full of tools, just in case we need to fix something. We have kitchens full of appliances just in case we want to prepare a meal. We have cars in our garages just in case we need to go somewhere. We even have closets full of clothes we know we’ll never wear just in case we get desperate.



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The astounding athletic power of quadcopters: Raffaello D’Andrea

Raffaello D’Andrea, in a robot lab at TEDGlobal, demos his flying quadcopters: robots that think like athletes, solving physical problems with algorithms that help them learn. In a series of nifty demos, D’Andrea show drones that play catch, balance and make decisions together — and watch out for an I-want-this-now demo of Kinect-controlled quads.

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TEDxUChicago 2011 – Thomas Frey – Communicating with the Future


Futurist Thomas Frey at the TEDx University of Chicago event

We are a very backward looking society.
We’re very backward looking in that we’ve all personally experienced the past.  As we look around, we see evidence of the past all around us.   The past is very knowable, yet we will spend the rest of our lives in the future.
My job as a futurist is to help turn people around and give them some idea of what the future holds.
So, what images come to mind when you think about the future?
If you are like most people, you have some persistent vision of the future that keeps replaying in your head. Perhaps it’s an image of riding on a hoverboard, traveling in a flying car, or stopping at a space hotel.
Many of these visions have been planted in your head through the movies you watch or the magazines and books that you read.
More importantly than how they were created is the question, “Who owns these visions?”
I’m not talking about the intellectual property rights associated with these images. Rather, who is it that cares enough about these particular visions to want to take an ownership stake in their creation and fruition?
In the vast majority of all cases, the answer is simply, “no one.”
In the years ahead, the speed of business will continue to accelerate, and executive teams will quickly learn that simply planning for the future is no longer good enough. In order for them to better control their own destiny, they will need to take an ownership stake in the creation of the future, and that’s why this book is so important.
Until now, the science of the future has been a murky science. The tools are primitive, reputations are often suspect, and the unknowns continue to dominate the path ahead.
Scenario planning, trend analysis, demographic shifts, and cyclical patterns are all tiny Braille bumps on the looming mosaic that constitutes our future, and some of our best and brightest continue to be confounded when it comes to predicting the future.
But what if we step beyond simply predicting the future and instead work on controlling it?
If you’d like to get more information about the process for “Communicating with the Future” or to have Futurist Thomas Frey speak at one of your events, please contact Deb at deb (at) or 303-666-4133.

Futurist Thomas Frey: We are a very backward looking society.

We’re very backward looking in that we’ve all personally experienced the past.  As we look around, we see evidence of the past all around us.   The past is very knowable, yet we will spend the rest of our lives in the future.

My job as a futurist is to help turn people around and give them some idea of what the future holds.

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Signaling the Rebirth of Turkish Education


This was a photo I took from stage of the audience

Futurist Thomas Frey:  On April 30th I had the privilege of delivering the opening keynote to a group of over 1,200 VIPs at the International Education Forum II: “Innovation in Education” held in Ankara, Turkey. These were remarkable people dedicated to reforming the state of education in a country poised for greatness.


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By delving into the futuring techniques of Futurist Thomas Frey, you’ll embark on an enlightening journey.

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