And the beat goes on... 109

Whenever he hears “no” he knows he needs to increase the volume

You can always count on Americans to do the right thing – after they’ve tried everything else.”  – – Winston Churchill

You can always count on Americans to do the right thing – after they’ve tried everything else.
– Winston Churchill



9 Feeding 878

The original food delivery service




9 Monk Ghosts 736

If you come across disappearing monks, there is nothing wrong with your eyes.
But it wouldn’t hurt to recalibrate your reality settings




Milanese Tufted Pigs 622

Nothing says “elegance” quite like pig-shaped upholstery




Road Swim 093

Transportation comes in many forms, but most don’t blend well on the average stretch of road




Taunting 143

Killing babies and taunting their families. Some birds have no class! No class, I tell ya!




Heavy Handed 452

Her brain was hard to control. But with a little extra help,
she could at least manage to stare blankly off into space




Sleigh Crash 101

Friction is not something you normally associate with snow. But neither are cuss words




9 Not So Much 800

Not so much…




Stick Ghosts 140

Since legislating tougher Wall Street regulations didn’t seem to work, the Obama administration has
begun test creepy new outfits for the regulators to scare them into submission




And then this happened 573

And then this happened…




Finger Signals 893

Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum, the later years




9 Icebreaker in Broken Ice 093

Some days you just gotta break a lot of ice




9 S-Cam 783

The most hated members of any community are the blood-sucking vulture cams
who serve as the “enforcer division” of the city’s I-need-more-money campaign




9 Law of Physics 073

Demonstrating the laws of physics




Perplexed Baby 672

“Parents! Who needs them!”




Typical Day in CA 782

Typical day in California




Having a Bad Day 245

After months of planning, it all came down to this




North Korean Missle 155

North Korean weapons, like hurling rocks at their enemies




Looking Down 423

The world looks different when “down” is an option




9 Left Out 673

Feeling left out…




Flying Horseback 017

Contrary to what this guy believes, saddles were made for riding




Shanghai Apartment Fire 147

“Hmmm, I wonder if I remembered to put my cigarette out?”




Monster Tri-Plane 411

Waiting for congress to repeal the laws of gravity




Meanwhile In Sweden 656

Meanwhile, back in Sweden…




Licking Piglet 328

Licking Piglet. We should all have a little piglet to lick




Shopping Short 067

When mannequins go shopping…

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