Cat in the Hat 672

When Dr. Seuss came up with the idea, this wasn’t what he had in mind

“The only difference between a taxman and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.” – – Mark Twain


Confusing Face 222

Hey, I know him. Errr, maybe not! Wait, what the hell?




The Tongue 265

Yeah, that was my reaction to Donald Trump’s candidacy as well




Cell Phone Booth 892

What a great invention. No, you don’t look ridiculous. Not really. Well, sort of.
Yeah, you look totally stupid, and Superman will probably hate you.




Embarassed by Doggie Porn 892

Guilty as charged…. for watching doggie porn




When antivirus is not enough 232

When antivirus is not enough




The Dog Squad 782

Looks like a new TV police show – The Dog Squad




Sleep Roping 376

Sleep roping. Only the very best tight-ropers can kick back and take a nap when they’re tired




Big Mouth Dog 037

“Oh my God! How much do I owe the IRS?”




Car Transporter 902

It sticks to the road….. and to the ceiling




Meanwhile, in Norway 787

Meanwhile, back in Norway




Monkey Brushing 067

Hey honey, I had to borrow your toothbrush, but you can have it back when I’m done?




Cloud Walker 354

The best photos are always taken above the clouds




Mr Popularity 276

Mr Popularity




Even the statues were moved 077

The ultimate test of female influence – causing statues to turn their heads




The Sign 277

Obviously, he’s pretty damn angry




Nightmare Babboon 672

This is exactly the kind of nightmare that give mother-in-laws a bad name




Dammit piano, you are drunk. Get out of that tree. 675

Dammit piano, you are drunk. Get out of that tree.




Mouce Dancing 673

Well known fact:  Fat rats are happy rats




Going Green 376

Out-greening the green movement




Peeping Kid 267

Jeepers creepers kid, you sure know how to make guys like us jealous




The real story 287

Even before WWII the Nazis were experimenting with stormtroopers




Godzilla Cat 672

Godzilla cat strikes again




Rubics Head 672

Your life begins as a bunch of pieces. How you assemble them is strictly up to you




Terrible Bathroom Design 062

Terrible bathroom design




Wall Egg 078

No breakfast is complete without wall eggs




Full Moon Neighborhood 909

Full moon neighborhood




z Girl Sports 782

They’re game for any sport that involves scoring

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